Learn to Solder - Digital Music Synthesis Workshop

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Learn to Solder - Digital Music Synthesis workshop with ArduTouch music synthesizer kit
-- Music Generation for Newbies

ArduTouch music synthesizer kit
ArduTouch music synthesizer kit


Learn to solder together a cool, powerful music synthesizer,
       and learn how to make cool music, sound, and noise!

ArduTouch workshop at EMF Camp 2018
ArduTouch workshop at EMF Camp 2018

ArduTouch is an open source Arduino-compatible music synthesizer kit with a built-in touch keyboard, and with built-in speaker/amplifier.

This workshop is for total newbies to learn to solder and make their own ArduTouch music synthesizer.
This workshop is for total newbies to learn how to make sound with computer chips.

The ArduTouch comes pre-programmed with a way cool synthesizer. And I will show you how to re-program it with other way cool (and totally different) synthesizers.

This workshop will be given:
   Day 1: Friday, 12-July-2024, 2:30pm - 5:00pm, Tobin 219 (Hardware Workshop)

Materials cost:
     $35 for materials
     ($40 if you also want a USB-Serial cable for re-programming the ArduTouch).
     No charge to observe the workshop

NOTE: You do NOT need to register to take this workshop
-- please show up early to ensure a seat at Tobin 219 (Hardware Workshop).

ArduTouch workshop at 36C3
ArduTouch workshop at 36C3

Full Description

Participants will all learn to solder and make an ArduTouch music synthesizer from a kit. I will also give an overview of how it works -- including the basics of Digital Signal Process -- for total newbies. I guarantee this kit will work after you solder it (during the workshop, or later, at home)!

The ArduTouch comes pre-programmed with a really nice music synthesizer (a 4-voice sawtooth waveform generator) -- called "Thick", that makes super phat sounds.
An ArduTouch Arduino library is available for programming in more super nice synthesizers, with lots and lots of features. The library also comes with many way cool example synthesizer sketches that also serve as a tutorial for making your own ArduTouch synthesizers (which are Arduino sketches). In the last part of this workshop I will show you how to re-program the ArduTouch synthesizer.

ArduTouch currently has 10 totally different synthesizers available! Synth sounds include way beautiful to metal to noise to drones, drum/bass machine sequencer, to spacey psychedelic music or harsh musical sounds, . . .

For those who want to learn more, the documentation teaches the basics of Digital Signal Processing for audio generation.

This workshop is for total newbies!

Taught by Mitch Altman.

Mitch gave a talk on his ArduTouch music synthesizer kit (including a tutorial on Digital Signal Process for total newbies) at The Circle of HOPE and at EMF Camp 2018.


     What: Make an ArduTouch music synthesizer, learn to solder, and learn how to make sound from computer chips
     When: Day 1: Friday, 12-July-2024, 2:30pm - 5:00pm
     Where: Tobin 219 (Hardware Workshop)
     Who: Anyone and everyone can have fun making the ArduTouch music synthesizer and learning how to make sound from computer chips, Ages 10 to 100
     Max #: 50 participants
           -- You do NOT need to register to take this workshop.
     Cost: $35 for materials -- ($40 if you also want a USB-Serial cable for re-programming the ArduTouch) -- No charge to observe the workshop

     Instructor: Mitch

     website: ArduTouch music synthesizer kit

Registration -- NOT required

You do not need to register in advance to take this workshop -- just show up early and get a kit.:

Required Software

Please download the free and open source Arduino software before the workshop -- Windows, Linux, or MacOS are all fine!:
Arduino software


A video of the online workshop given at HOPE 2020 is available on the 2600 YouTube channel:


ArduTouch music synthesizer kit
Ardiuno website
ArduTouch Github page