Learn to Solder with "I Can Solder" Badge kit Workshop

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Learn to Solder with "I Can Solder" Badge kit

"I Can Solder" Badge kit
"I Can Solder" Badge kit

This workshop will be given:
   Day 1: Friday, 12-July-2024, 5:30pm - 6:30pm, in Tobin 219 (Hardware Workshop)

Materials cost:
     $10 for materials
     No charge to observe the workshop

NOTE: You do NOT need to register to take this workshop -- please show up early to ensure a seat at Tobin 219 (Hardware Workshop).


Anyone can learn to solder!
It is useful and fun.
This workshop is for kids of all ages (and anyone of any age).

Learn To Solder workshop at GPN21
Learn To Solder workshop at GPN21

Learn to solder by making a cool badge that you can wear and blink wherever you go.

The "I Can Solder!" Badge kit is a very simple open hardware kit that anyone can use for learning to solder.

This workshop is for total newbies to learn to solder. All ages.

Workshop Itinerary

  • Overview of electronics
  • The background of soldering, so you will solder well for the rest of your life
  • Step by step instructions for soldering your "I Can Solder!" Badge kit
  • Blink wherever you go


Mitch Altman.


     What: Make an "I Can Solder" Badge kit
     When: 5:30pm to 6:30pm, Friday, July 12th, 2024 -- Please arrive early to purchase materials so that we can start on time
     Where: Tobin 219 (Hardware Workshop)
     Who: Anyone and everyone can have fun making the ArduTouch music synthesizer Ages 6 to 100
     Max #: 40 participants
     Cost: $10 for materials -- No charge to observe the workshop

     Instructor: Mitch Altman

     website: "I Can Solder" Badge kit

Registration -- NOT required

You do not need to register in advance to take this workshop -- just show up early to ensure a seat.:


"I Can Solder" Badge kit
"I Can Solder" Badge kit Github page