Wi-Fi Connected Open Source USB Rubber Ducky Workshop

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Create Your Own Wi-Fi Connected Open Source USB Rubber Ducky

You can buy everything pre-flashed together in a kit and support our team here: https://hackerinterchange.com/products/pre-flashed-wi-fi-duck-kit

Access to the class to watch later is included with each kit.

You can also pick up your own ESP8266 and Atmega32u4 boards on Amazon or Aliexpress.

The Wi-Fi duck is a remotely accessible keystroke injection tool that allows you to write, save, and run payloads over Wi-Fi from any browser. Using an ESP8266 microcontroller paired with a Atmega32u4, the Wi-Fi duck creates a hotspot for you to control the device once plugged in, and a graphic user interface to store and run playloads.

This allows payloads to be written for any operating system and stored on the Wi-Fi Duck, and then run via the web interface once it’s plugged in. With a range of up to half a mile using a directional antenna, the Wi-Fi duck can allow anyone to inject keystrokes to a computer remotely. It also makes it easy to run payloads live from the browser window, in the event you need to paste text into a computer from across the room.

What you need:

1) You will need an ESP8266 based development board, we recommend the D1 Mini.

2) You'll also need an Atmega32u4 based development board like the Sparkfun Pro Micro or the CJMCU Beetle board.

3) A breadboard or PCB to connect the two together, and 4 male to male jumpers

4) A micro USB cable that supports data transfer (not just power)

5) A computer running Arduino IDE

If you want to make a PCB version of the Wi-Fi Duck, you can find PCB's here:

Design Files:

   Pro Micro + Wemos d1 mini: https://easyeda.com/Spacehuhn/wifi-duck
   Pro Micro + NodeMCU: https://easyeda.com/Spacehuhn/diy-wifi-duck-pro-micro-nodemcu

You can also order them on OSHPark:

   Pro Micro + Wemos d1 mini: https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/ARCED9je
   Pro Micro + NodeMCU: https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/XUuUH1HB

About the hosts:

Stefan Kremser is a security researcher and computer science student from Germany, and is the creator of the ESP8266 Wi-Fi Deauther. He specializes in designing low-cost, open-source hardware hacking tools to make ethical hacking accessible to anyone interested in pursuing a career in cybersecurity. His other designs include the Wi-Fi Duck, the Wi-Fi satellite, and Arduino PCAP library.

Kody Kinzie is a security researcher at Varonis, with a background in Wi-Fi security and low-cost hacking tools. He hosts the Cyber Weapons Lab show on Null Byte's YouTube channel, a soon to be released show for Hak5, live streams twice weekly on the SecurityFWD channel, and hosts the Varonis Security Tools podcast. Aside from Wi-Fi hacking, Kody also teaches about open-source intelligence, Python programming, and Arduino-based hacking tools.