COBOL CTF workshop

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The world runs on COBOL! 95% of ATM swipes rely on COBOL, but few people know how to use it. Let's fix that! Party like it's 1959!

In this workshop, participants will learn basic COBOL programming and solve challenges including building HTTP requests, processing strings, file I/O, ASCII encoding, modular arithmetic and RSA encryption. We will use free Google cloud servers and a real public IBM mainframe.

The workshop is structured in a CTF format. Each participant works at their own pace. The techniques will be demonstrated, with complete step-by-step instructions to lead beginners through the easy challenges. There are also harder challenges for more experienced participants. We will help participants as needed, to ensure that everyone learns something new.

Participants need a credit card (which won't be charged) to reserve a free Google Cloud server. All the tools we will use are freely available, and all the training materials will remain available to everyone after the workshop ends.

Visit to access the workshop materials.