Knowledge Base

From HOPE Wiki

This is the entry point for information and documentation for HOPE attendees, presenters and volunteers.


Q: I bought my ticket. What's next?

A: There will be some emails and announcements in the days leading up to the conference with links and instructions on how to participate. Meanwhile, visit to see the schedule of events and other information about the HOPE program.

Q: Since HOPE is online, what do I need to watch and participate?

A: Watching should work on any device (computer, phone, tablet...) that can watch any regular online video. To participate you might benefit from a computer so you can more easily participate in chats and other forums - however, phones and tablets should work ok, too, for most people. Some workshops have specific requirements, which are part of the workshop description.

Q: How do I join the chat rooms (Matrix)?

A: Matrix is not yet ready for attendees to create their usernames - this is scheduled to happen a few days before HOPE starts. There is a short Matrix how-to, and further details will be provided just before HOPE.

Q: You have some amazing workshops! How do I sign up?

A: Ticket holders will get instructions on how to sign up just before HOPE.

Q: How do I use Mozilla Hubs for 3D and virtual reality chat?

A: Please see Mozilla_Hubs.


Q: What do I need to do to prepare for my session?

A: All presenters should have received emailed guidance specific to their session type (i.e., talk, workshop, performance, etc.). If not, email back to the session coordinators who contacted you initially about your proposal.

Q: What are specifics for my session?

A: See Presenting at HOPE


Q: I'm interested in volunteering for HOPE. What opportunities are available?

A: See