Amateur Radio Using Digital Modes Workshop

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Amateur Radio Using Digital Modes

This workshop will be given:
   Day 3: Sunday, 14-July-2024, 1:30pm - 2:30pm, in Tobin 219 (Hardware Workshop)

Materials cost:
     $65 for materials
     No charge to observe the workshop

NOTE: You do NOT need to register to take this workshop -- please show up early to ensure a seat at Tobin 219 (Hardware Workshop).


You want to play with wireless communications? You heard that getting an amateur radio license expands the spectrum available for you to transmit on? That’s great, but experimenting is all you want to do, and you would like any communication with another “ham” to be kept “short and sweet,” and kept to the experiment at hand. This is what will occur in this workshop. Playing with the various digital modes of communications used in amateur radio can be a good starting point to ease into the hobby, both cheaply and at a comfort zone of human interaction desired. This workshop will introduce various digital mode communications used in amateur radio using a simple setup you can build with a laptop, open-source software, and around $65 USD in hardware.

Materials cost: $65
     No charge to observe the workshop


Joe Cupano

Registration -- NOT required

You do not need to register in advance to take this workshop -- just show up early to ensure a seat.:

More info: