Cat-Themed USB Hacking and Soldering Workshop

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Cat-Themed USB Hacking and Soldering

This workshop will be given:
   Day 1: Friday, 12-July-2024, 11:00am - 12:00pm, at the DevKitty Village, in Marillac Terrace
   Day 3: Sunday, 14-July-2024, 11:00am - 12:00pm, at the DevKitty Village, in Marillac Terrace

Materials cost:

NOTE: You do NOT need to register to take this workshop -- please show up early to ensure a seat at the DevKitty Village, in Marillac Terrace.


Want to learn how hackers compromise unlocked computers in seconds? Come build your own USB attack tool in this beginner-friendly workshop and learn to write prank payloads with your new cat-shaped hacking companion! This workshop is beginner friendly. In the first part, you’ll be familiarized with soldering techniques and tools, and guided through assembling a DevKitty - which comprises a cat-shaped PCB, screen, microcontroller, and a 3D printed enclosure. The second half of the workshop introduces basic USB hacking techniques and common real-world scenarios. You’ll be guided through scripting fun prank payloads and learn to deploy attacks remotely using “ScriptKitty” software!

NOTE:: As a prerequisite to this workshop, attendees need to build a DevKitty - there are several "Solder Your Own DevKitty" workshops given each day at the DevKitty Village where you can do this.

Materials cost: none


Alex Lynd

Registration -- NOT required

You do not need to register in advance to take this workshop -- just show up early to ensure a seat.:

More info: