Creative Problem-Solving Workshop

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Creative Problem-Solving

This workshop will be given:
   Day 1: Friday, 12-July-2024, 6:00pmm - 7:00pm, in Tobin 221 (Workshop 2)

Materials cost:

NOTE: You do NOT need to register to take this workshop -- please show up early to ensure a seat at Tobin 221 (Workshop 2).

Tools for Generating Options:



Forced Fitting

Imagery Trek

Ladder of Abstraction

Morphological Matrix


Tools for Focusing Options:

Advantages, Limitations, Unique Qualities, Overcome Limitations (AULO)

Evaluation Matrix




Paired Comparison Analysis

Short/Medium/Long (SML)


This training program immerses participants into using both familiar and unfamiliar creative methodologies, problem-solving techniques, and the application of diverse tool sets. This comprehensive program spans from understanding the fundamentals of creativity to the practical utilization of creative tool kits for generating and focusing options in problem-solving scenarios. By the end of the day, participants will be equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary for creative problem-solving, fostering an innovative mindset, and providing practical tools for addressing challenges in real-world scenarios.


Dr. Gregory Carpenter

Registration -- NOT required

You do not need to register in advance to take this workshop -- just show up early to ensure a seat.:

More info:

Presentation has been uploaded in the Wiki. Anyone unable to access it can send me an email and I will forward directly to you:

Presentation Slides:

File:Creative Problem Solving.pptx


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Dacey, J. S. (1989). Fundamentals of creative thinking. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath & Co.

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Isaksen, S. G. (Ed.). (1987). Frontiers of creativity research: Beyond the basics. Buffalo, NY: Bearly Limited.

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Kelley, T., & Kelley, D. (2013). Creative confidence: Unleashing the creative potential within us all. New York, NY: Crown Business.

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Michalko, M. (2006). Thinkertoys: A handbook of creative-thinking techniques (2nd ed.). Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press.

Michalko, M. (2001). Cracking creativity: The secrets of creative genius. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press.

Mootee, I. (2013). Design thinking for strategic innovation: What they can't teach you at business or design school. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Parnes, S. J. (Ed.). (1992). Sourcebook for creative problem solving: A fifty year digest of proven innovation processes. Buffalo, NY: CEF Press.

Pink, D. H. (2006). A whole new mind: Why right-brainers will rule the future. New York, NY: Riverhead Books.

Ries, E. (2011). The lean startup: How today's entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses. New York, NY: Crown Business.

Joyce, M., Isaksen, S., Davidson, F., Puccio, G., Coppage, C., & Maruska, M. (1997). An introduction to creativity (2nd ed.). Acton, MA: Copley Press.