D-I-Yerba Mate Soda workshop

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D-I-Yerba Mate Soda


As we all know, Mate sodas like Club-Mate are wonderful fuel for late night hacking sessions. But availability in the U.S. is limited. So how can we fill the void? Come learn how to produce your own Yerba Mate soda at home.

Full Description

Yerba Mate based sodas, like Club Mate, are excellent sources of energy, incredibly tasty, and make a great mixer for those of us who imbibe in alcoholic beverages. In the U.S. they are pretty hard to come by, and where they exist there are usually only a brand or two on the market. Contrast this with Germany where there are over a dozen Mate sodas on the market in Berlin alone. This workshop will teach participants how to brew their own Mate soda at home from natural ingredients. We will go briefly into some background of Yerba Mate and Club Mate, talk about some of the places (like HOPE) that Mate sodas have become important to the culture, and explore how we can expand the field of tasty-bubbly-stimulants to suit our particular tastes. Along the way we will cover some options for home carbonation and even how to put Mate on tap at a hackerspace near you!

About the Presenter

Hi, I'm Joe. You may also know me as theJuggler. My background is in applying technology to art in the entertainment industry. I tend to describe myself as an electrical-fungineer working in theater and live events. I am a member and regular volunteer at Chicago hackerspace Pumping Station: One, where I have served in various capacities. At PS:1 my passion project is Drinking Station: One, a volunteer run bar where I first started brewing and serving a Club-Mate inspired soda in February of 2019. I am a serial collector of skills, odd jobs, tools, and stories; and adore sharing all of these widely. Currently, I am in the process of starting a craft soda brewery in Chicago to bottle and sell osMate, using the same open source recipe I am going to teach you how to make in this workshop.


You need to REGISTER in advance to take this workshop::

Required Software Materials

To participate in the hands on portion of the workshop, attendees will need:


  • Yerba Mate
    • There are a lot of options here. If you live in a city, you may have an Argentinian, Brazilian, or other South American grocer that will have this in stock.


here's a link to a cool thing