Crack the Code of Government Transparency: FOIA Strategies Workshop

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Crack the Code of Government Transparency: FOIA Strategies

This workshop will be given:
   Day 2: Saturday, 13-July-2024, 7:30pm - 9:00pm, in Tobin 223 (Workshop 3)

Materials cost:

NOTE: You do NOT need to register to take this workshop -- please show up early to ensure a seat at Tobin 223 (Workshop 3).


Ever felt stonewalled when seeking information from the government for advocacy, journalism, education, watchdog activities, technology policy, civil liberties, or just simple curiosity? Join attorney Michael Ravnitzky, a national Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) expert, as he reveals his Top 20 FOIA tips. In this hands-on workshop, you’ll gain insights from his extensive experience with thousands of successful public records requests, and build your records access skills. This workshop is a practical guide to crafting compelling requests, navigating bureaucratic mazes, overcoming unwarranted denials, and obtaining the data you need in the most useful formats. He will discuss real-world FOIA challenges and roadblocks for a session of collaborative problem-solving. This session will also explore the concept of a FOIA Requesters Bill of Rights, to help create a future where access to information is more robust and user-friendly.


Michael Ravnitzky

Registration -- NOT required

You do not need to register in advance to take this workshop -- just show up early to ensure a seat.:

More info: