RF Village Village

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The intent is to help people experience various wireless communications projects/services available to makers, hackers across the Radio Frequency (RF) Spectrum. Whether you have a (Amateur Radio) license or not, you can enjoy ways of sending and receiving RF signals. All activities are targeted at the beginner and intermediate level.


Exploring RF with SDR for the Absolute Beginner

A guide on the bare minimum information required for you to quickly experience capturing, listening, and processing (decoding) signals with open source and off the shelf SDR resources. Hardware of choice will be the RTL-SDR v3.

Capture the Signal for the Absolute Beginner

Shortwave Listening (SWL) is perhaps the oldest hobbyist listening of RF. Given the international reach of that spectrum and cheap Software Defined Radio (SDR) kit, special event station W2H will be operating from New York (state) on various Amateur Radio HF bands focusing on digital modes in the 20 and 40 Meter Band.

HOPE 2020 Radio Net

HOPE XI is the first year we ran an Amateur Radio repeater encouraging licensed attendees to make new contacts. We tried adding an Echolink node so we could have global reach but it did not work out. This year we will look to run a one hour net accessible via DMR and Echolink. W2H will be available via the net.

W2H Operating Schedule

Besides making contacts with those of you who are licensed, we will be making test transmissions with messages in them using various modes. Successfully contact us or send as copy of the message received during our test transmissions and you will receive a QSL Card (snail mail or electronic.) Operating schedule is subject to change according to band conditions. Digital modes will be used on all bands in schedule. Schedule will be updated with specific mode used closer to the operating day.

Time (UTC) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9
0001 - 0100 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz
0200 - 0259 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz 7040-7125 KHz
2200 - 2259 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz
2300 - 2359 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz 14060-14100 KHz


Don't have a radio?

No problem. Check out these freely accessible online SDRs.

What can I use to decode digital modes

Recommended cross-platform software includes FLdigi and WSJT-X. Will be updating this page on how to use the software with a radio or piping from audio from an online SDR.

Can I still decode digital signals if I am using an online SDR?

Yes. Using virtual audio cable you can pipe output of online SDR to input of digital decode software.


Any questions, ideas, can be directed to rfvillage AT cupano DOT com