Anarchist Hacker Village

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Anarchist Hacker Village


Marillac Terrace


A space for anarchists, abolitionists, anti-authoritarians, other like-minded folks, and friendly faces to meet and socialize. This is a space where hacking and technology are tools for total liberation. They will have freely available swag like zines and stickers, and possibly more things like tea. So please come by.


Registration -- NOT required

You do not need to register in advance to visit the Anarchist Hacker Village -- please visit whenever you like.:

More info:

There are Workshops scheduled at the Anarchist Hacker Village.


A zine is a DIY published text, frequently made with whatever cheap or free printing/copying a resourceful person can 'legitimately' find ;).

We have many zines to give away, but in case we run out, here are digital versions of most of them! You can read on a device (screen reading), or print them out yourself (typically double-sided, short-side flip, 8.5x11 US letter paper).

Zine Title Description & Source Screen Reading Imposed for Printing
A Few Clarifications Concerning a Keylogger Installed in My Computer in-the-wild example of an implant (keylogger + more) being used by police to target anarchists in Italy, 2018. source Screen Reading US Letter imposed
Ahead of Another Summer of Climate Disasters, Let’s Talk about Real Solutions source Screen Reading US Letter imposed
Up Against the Firewall source Screen Reading US Letter imposed
Locating An Indigenous Anarchism source
A Recipe for Nocturnal Direct Actions source
Black Armed Joy Screen Reading US Letter imposed
Cars as Cameras: A Short Overview of Tesla Surveillance Features and Lessons for Attack Classic CCTV surveillance like security cameras is well known. Newer but becoming well-known are private surveillance systems that give police access, like Ring doorbell cameras. There are also things like ALPR. This examines how cameras in Teslas are yet another source of mass surveillance at the hands of police. source Screen Reading US Letter imposed
Cracking Screens: A Scam App Primer Screen Reading US Letter imposed
DNA You Say? Burn Everything to Burn Longer: A Guide to Leaving No Traces DNA evidence is now widely used by the judicial system as a tool of repression. In this context, circulating unverified information such as “acetone destroys DNA” puts people at risk of repression. The aim of this zine is both to understand how the cops identify a person using DNA and to propose ways to protect oneself from identification. source Screen Reading US Letter imposed

Zine Sources

Places we got our zines from, or otherwise recommend to people

Misc. Cool Links