Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Revision as of 18:09, 25 July 2020 by Thurman J (talk | contribs)
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1. Where are the Villages?

 You can find villages by searching for them in the search box. 
 Here are some links to help you get started.
  Lockpicking Village

2. Where is the transcription?

 The transcription links are updated on REAL_TIME_TEXT page (one transcription per talk or keynote). Please note that the wiki for the real time text may not update immediately, so ask for the otter ai link in the Q&A channel if it's not there.

3. I wasn't invited to all the channels or I don't see all the channels in Matrix. How do I fix?

 The HOPE Matrix Bot aka Conference_bot is your friend. Message the bot with your ticket and it will invite you. 
 Some users have had to log out and log back in or switch browsers to get channels to show back up

4. Do I have to provide an email address?

 Adding your email for registration is optional. If you add an email you are required to verify it before you can log in.

5. I didn't get a confirmation email for a workshop I signed up for.

 There is no confirmation sent after you sign up for a workshop. You should receive an email with the room information about an hour before the workshop.

6. I can't get into a workshop why is the limit so low?

  Workshops are meant to be more interactive so while the space is virtual the teacher's capacity to help is limited. The person in charge of the workshop set the limit. 

7. Will workshops be recorded so I can watch them later?

  Most workshops aren't going to be recorded to watch later. That is up to the person giving the workshop. A list of workshops that were recorded will be available later.

8. I missed a talk! Where can I watch the replay?

  Don't worry the talks are being archived.  You can find them on Archive dot org and on livestream dot com
  For livestream you click the Event Posts Link on the right hand side below the go live button. 
  livestream dot com
  And here's a link to the archive dot org page

9. I bought a ticket and I haven't got my ticket token yet?

  It takes a while to process new tokens but you should get your ticket token within 12 hours of your purchase. If you haven't received it by them please email the [ helpdesk] and include your order information