
From HOPE Wiki

The HOPE Code of Conduct

Hackers On Planet Earth, in communication with other conferences, has developed a Code of Conduct that applies to speakers, attendees, and all other participants. We encourage everyone who is part of HOPE to read the CoC.

Civility and Respect

The essence of the CoC is that HOPE is a space for tolerance and respect. It is imperative that participants interact in a civil and thoughtful manner. HOPE fosters a full range of viewpoints, with diverse personalities and backgrounds. There may be clashes in opinion, and these are healthy when they occur in a tolerant and respectful manner.

Who ensures civility

HOPE asks that everyone helps to maintain a civil environment. All participants should be ready to give and receive input on behavior, if others find it to be problematic.

In addition, the HOPE conference has a number of volunteers who have taken on the role of "facilitator." These volunteers may be called on to assist in any disputes, and will monitor, report on, and escalate issues if needed.

Reporting Problems

If you encounter harassment, behavioral problems or other issues at HOPE, and think it is at odds with the CoC or otherwise would like to have it brought to the attention of HOPE management, please bring it forward:
- Tell someone! Any of the security team or core staff or Operation Hammond personnel will be able to direct your concern as appropriate. If you are not sure who to talk to, find anyone with a radio or with a staff badge.

HOPE volunteers are all expected to treat your inquiry with sensitivity, and will strive to respond quickly. It is helpful if you provide contact information, and any details such as screen shots, names or handles of the peopled involve, and a summary of the situation.

The scope of the CoC is the HOPE conference itself, while HOPE is occurring. This includes the various online forums for talks, workshops, chat, etc.